It’s that time of the year, dear readers, when gaming sites and outlets tell readers what their top games of the year were.
I can’t really do that here: Looking back, I realise I’ve not played a lot of games this year – and I’ve bought even less – but of those I did played, I enjoyed: Dishonored 2, Titanfall 2, Uncharted 4, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, Firewatch and Inside. I enjoyed much of The Last Guardian, too, but the experience was just marred too often by the at times too realistic animal AI of Trico, the game’s eagle/cat/dog creature, which made for a frustrating time – and that’s a real shame.
I want to say thanks so much for sticking around and reading this blog. I really do appreciate it. I know the blog isn’t as flash as many around, or updated as regularly, or have a staff of hundreds that pump out stories by the dozens. I’m one man who loves video games and writing, and believe me when I say this blog is a real labour of love for me: I don’t get paid to do it, I don’t get sponsorship from anyone. I rely on the support of a handful of publishers who have stuck by me since leaving Fairfax NZ – and I appreciate that support and the support that you, the readers, give me.
I sincerely appreciate your support. It means the world to me and I appreciate every single one of you that visits the site. I might not be the biggest or the best or the most popular, but I hope you enjoy what you find.
This will be the last blog for the year as I’m going “offline” for a couple of weeks to spend time with my family, relax and recharge the batteries. Fear not, though, I’ve already got some content planned for the week I return and hopefully the support from publishers will continue and I’ll be able to keep bringing you game and hardware reviews and opinion pieces.
So, thanks again. Enjoy your Christmas and New Year and wherever you are, stay safe. See you next year.
Xmas first, Hogmany second – have a great break GJ.
Thanks Richard. Merry Christmas to you, too.
Dishonoured 2 is my present to myself, looking forward to unwrapping that. Always appreciate your blog as a middle-aged gamer with failing reflexes. Merry Xmas.
Merry Christmas and thanks for reading. Enjoy Dishonored 2!
Awesome year! Still read every article and enjoy the blog – your son should help you out more often, he’s a literary talent. Have a great holiday Gerard, and please keep the articles coming! Merry Christmas
Thanks for the kind words – and my son is keen to write more reviews! Merry Christmas!
I’ve been reading your stuff since you appeared on and ever since I found you there you have never ceased to be a favorite game journalist of mine. While the big name sites may have more clout and significance there is something about that you that has a “Kiwi touch” that keeps me coming back for more. So thank you again for all the times you have made me laugh and kept me informed on everything and thank you for never giving up on us with this blog of yours.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year Gerard. I look forward to all your work in 2017!
Thanks, Jacob. I appreciate your kind words and your support. I’m relaxed and ready to take on 2017 and interested to see where I can take the blog. I hope you had an awesome Christmas and New Year and, again, thanks for your support.