I’m a Kiwi so it makes sense to finally have a .kiwi domain name, right? Well, now I have

It wasn’t the usual opening line I get in emails, but it was an opening line that got my attention: “You don’t know me, but I’m a follower of your blog. You’ll have to forgive me for stalking your domain to find your email address!

It was mid-2013, and I was still blogging for Fairfax New Zealand with that other blog I used to do (I remember what it was but it’s ancient history now), and the email was from Tim Johnson, the then-Canada-based head of Dot Kiwi, a group founded to establish the .kiwi domain name – a domain name that Kiwis could be proud off and own themselves.

In his first email, Tim told me that “we’re eager to partner with various organisations and individuals who are influencers” to get momentum going in the .kiwi domain names. Being a journalist I guess I had a bit of an ego when it comes to how much what I write about influences people, so Tim classing me as an “influencer” boosted my ego immensely.  How could I not want a piece of this when my ego had been flattered by classing me as an “influencer”?

Tim and I stayed in touch over the next few months and over the course of about 30-plus emails it’s finally got to this domain name: gamejunkie.kiwi – a truly New Zealand-flavoured domain name that I can call my own. And you can call it yours, too, if you want, I mean, gamejunkie.kiwi is as much mine as it is yours.

You can learn more about .kiwi here, where you can find out all about the .kiwi story, the people behind it and it’s where you can register your interest so that you’re kept in the loop about what’s going on. It’s currently in the Sunrise phase, which is where existing trademark holders can apply to have a .kiwi domain name that matches their brand name.

When you think about it, though, as Kiwis it makes sense to have our own unique domain name system, right?

New Zealand might be a small country at the bottom of the world but we’ve forged a pretty damn strong identity with the Kiwi brand name, an identifier known around the world. Up until now, we’ve been restricted to domain names like .com or .co.nz or others but .kiwi was never an option. Until now. Now it is. Surely having a .kiwi at the end of your brand name or company web address is really championing New Zealand and announcing to the world that, yes, I’m proud to be a Kiwi? I know I am.

As of today, March 10, the domain name gamejunkie.kiwi, which Dot Kiwi kindly gifted me,  has been registered and is up and running. The process was pretty smooth, actually, and the only major change was that my WordPress basic account was upgraded to a Premium account so the new domain name could be attached to my WordPress account. You can now also email me at [email protected], if you like. Go on: I’d love to get an email from you.

In the scheme of things, nothing’s really changed: It’s the same content, the same person running it (me), the same irregular blog posts, except you can now get to this blog using gamejunkie.kiwi domain name.

By going .kiwi, I’m embracing my Kiwiness. That’s kinda cool.

Game JunkieNZ unboxes an Xbox One

OK, I’m trying something new here at Game JunkieNZ: videos.

I haven’t done a lot of videos in the past – and this is the first unboxing video I’ve ever done – but I thought I’d test the waters with it and see what the feedback was like.

The editing is a little rough near the end and the camera angles perhaps not quite right but I thought I’d post it and see whether videos were something people wanted to see more of. It was filmed by Game Junkie junior using my Samsung Galaxy S3 smart phone but I’ve got a Flip HD camera lying around the house somewhere and I’d rather use that.

If you like it and want to see more, I’ll do more. If you thought it was lame, I’ll go and cry in a corner but won’t do any more.

Let me know what you think: Are videos something you’d like to see more of on the site, be it to camera pieces or game play footage (although if it was game play I’d have to work out a way to connect my Kaiser Baas Game Recorder to the Xbox One as I think it’s HDMI-only, unlike the Xbox 360 which let you plug an adapter in so you could use red/white/yellow connectors).

Anyway, let me know what you think.

So what did exactly did I do in New York?

Well, I walked a lot, ate quite a bit, bought a few things, saw some amazing sights and – the main reason for my visit – attended the Kinect for Kids event, held in a building in NYC’s Hell’s Kitchen district. Today I spoke to Glenn “Wammo” Williams about it today.

You can hear about it here, whether you’re a fan of Microsoft’s Kinect hands-free controller or not.

Go listen. You know you want to.

Where I discuss Portal 2 with Glenn “Wammo” Williams

Right, here’s the latest gaming segment with good guy Glenn “Wammo” Williams from the Radio Wammo Breakfast at Kiwi FM, which we recorded on Tuesday.

The eagle-eyed among you who regularly tune into the segment will notice that this week I’m restricted to audio only, not video as normal  – and pathetic audio via a landline phone at that too!

Ironically for a tech-related segment, my internet decided to shit itself a few moments before I was due to connect with Wammo over Skype, dropping our connection. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough time to reboot my PC to restart Skype, so Wammo used old technology and his digits to phone me on the landline.

Hopefully things will settle down and my internet will behave itself for the next time I speak with Wammo. Hear that internet? Behave.